Announcing Version 1.0.1 Alpha of the Digital Asset Marketplace extension for WooCommerce

We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.1 alpha of the Digital Asset Marketplace extension! The Digital Asset Marketplace extension is the perfect tool for generating passive income as part of your WordPress and WooCommerce deployment stack. This versatile extension grants WordPress administrators the ability to compete in any digital downloadable business sector by harnessing the power of network communities. This latest update brings significant improvements, optimising the front end of the extension for mobile devices – enhancing accessibility and user experience!

Key Features in Version 1.0.1 Alpha

1. Mobile Optimisation

In each business sector branching from the sale of digital assets, the requirements for mobile accessibility remains. Ensuring your digital platform is mobile-friendly is critical given the popularity of handheld devices. With this update, we’ve focused on optimising the extension for mobile devices. Whether your customers are browsing on their smartphones or desktop, they will experience effortless navigation and efficient functionality.

2. Infinity Scroll

To further enhance user experience, we’ve integrated an infinity scroll mechanism into each of our front end data tables. This feature allows your external users to navigate through seller products, ratings, messages, uploads and sales activity automatically. This does not affect desktop pagination but could be expanded to incorporate desktop viewport widths in additional themes.

Prioritising Accessibility

Our commitment to accessibility means making sure our extension is usable by everyone, regardless of the device they use. By prioritising mobile optimisation and incorporating features like infinity scroll, we aim to make it easier for all users to access and purchase digital assets from your WooCommerce store.

Feedback and Support

As this is an alpha release, we greatly value your feedback. Your insights and suggestions are crucial for us to refine the extension and deliver the best possible product. Please report any bugs or issues you encounter, and feel free to share your thoughts on how we can improve further.

What’s Next?

We are already working on the next set of features and enhancements for future releases. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress, gather more data, introduce additional functionalities, and further improve the user experience.

Get Started

Ready to upgrade to version 1.0.1 alpha? Download it now and start exploring the new features. If you’re new to our Digital Asset Marketplace extension, check out our documentation for installation and setup instructions.


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