Digital Asset Marketplace: Software Update

We’re excited to share the latest updates to the Digital Asset Marketplace extension, which are designed to enhance privacy, transparency, and usability for administrators and users alike. Here’s a rundown of the new features and improvements included in version 1.0.0A: Enhanced Privacy Protection: Address Sharing Control The Digital Asset Marketplace extension now offers administrators direct …

Digital Asset Marketplace: PayPal Integration

We’re excited to share a game-changing update for the Digital Asset Marketplace WordPress Plugin—a seamless integration with PayPal for effortless user withdrawals! At Cyborganic Arts, we’re dedicated to providing you with tools that not only empower creativity but also streamline user experience. Our latest enhancement ensures that when your WordPress users withdraw earnings from their …

Alpha Testing of the “Digital Asset Marketplace” WordPress Plugin

We are pleased to announce alpha testing of the Digital Asset Marketplace extension for WooCommerce. This powerful plugin transforms your WordPress website into an open platform for digital asset management and distribution. What is the “Digital Asset Marketplace” Plugin? Cyborganic Arts recognizes the importance of efficient digital asset management and distribution. If you aspire to …

Digital Asset Marketplace: Dynamic content delivery from Google

New Feature: Integrated CDN – Google Cloud Console Storage and Content Delivery Option for the Digital Asset Marketplace Extension. As an administrator of an e-commerce marketplace, ensuring efficient content delivery and robust data security is of utmost importance. We are delighted to introduce a significant enhancement to our Digital Asset Marketplace plugin with the integration …

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